
Global innovation gameplay, no need for swap for redemption, transaction cooling and anti pinch(

Video tutorial

1. Introduce

The 314 protocol is a new experimental token standard aimed at reducing high transaction costs and cumbersome authorization processes for users during transactions. Unlike traditional Swap, the 314 protocol implements a new function of "transfer as transaction".

  • Buying tokens: Users can transfer BNB to the contract address to obtain tokens

  • Selling tokens: Users can transfer tokens to the contract address to obtain BNB

  • Transaction cooling: Users can only make one transaction within 30 seconds

  • Lock pool: Within the set block range, the project cannot withdraw the pool

2. Operation steps

Tip: Please install the MetaMask plugin first. Tutorial:

(1) Connect wallet

Enter the creation page:,Click on the upper right corner, connect to MetaMask Wallet.

Note: The public chain defaults to the public chain where the wallet is located

After completion, you will see your "Wallet Address", as shown in the following figure:

(2) Choose Token Factory

Click on the dropdown menu and select "ERC314"

(3) Fill in your token information

Enter the token information, assuming we create a token called "G TOKEN", fill in the following:

  • Token Name:G TOKEN

  • Token Symbol:G T

  • Decimals:18(Number of decimal places)

  • Total supply:1000000(Number of tokens)

  • Marketing fees(%):2(Must be an integer)

  • Burning handling fee(%):2(Must be an integer)

  • Marketing wallet address:0x46ed16F6BCb78d05d38E4765C10CF89e2a542D43

  • Please enter the balance of liquidity tokens: 2000 (how many tokens need to be added to the pool, do not exceed the total amount of tokens)

  • Lock for N hours: 37025

  • Currency dividend handling fee (%): 3 (must be an integer)

  • Minimum amount of cash dividends held: 1000

  • Hourly combustion bottom pool (‰): 5

After completing the input, click on "Create Token" and pay the gas fee to complete it

3. Precautions

  • Can transfer money but cannot transact

After the token is created, it can only be transferred and cannot be traded. To make tokens tradable, you need to go to PancakeSwap to create a liquidity pool. Tutorial:

  • What currency does the marketing wallet distribute dividends in?

Marketing wallet, holding coins to distribute dividends, dividing the gas coins of the chain (BNB for Binance Chain)

  • Does the marketing wallet function still exist after the permission is discarded?

Assuming that the marketing wallet and permission wallet are the same, after you discard the permission, it does not affect the use of the marketing wallet function. You can also add, remove, and control liquidity

  • How to calculate the initial token price?

Initial price="Liquidity token balance": "Number of BNB issued for the first time"

  • Can the 314 protocol be traded or paired using USDT or wBNB?

Not supported, 314 protocol transactions can only be conducted through BNB

  • Why doesn't Ave display the K-line?

Due to the delay in AVE, after adding pools, multiple transactions are required to display the K-line

If you have any questions, please join the official telegram group: @G-TOKEN
