Service Terms

Service Terms

Welcome to the service provided by G TOKEN The user interface ("tool" or "application") for website hosting. This interface provides access to decentralized protocols on various public blockchains (including but not limited to Ethereum), allowing users to create certain compatible digital assets. To use this tool, you must use an unmanaged wallet software that allows you to interact with public blockchains. Your relationship with that non hosted wallet provider is subject to the applicable service terms of a third party, rather than this service terms agreement ("Agreement").

This agreement explains the terms and conditions under which you may access and use the tool. You must carefully read this agreement. By accessing or using this tool, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to fully comply with all terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to access or use the interface and should not use it.

Attention: Please read this agreement carefully as it governs your use of the tool. This agreement contains important information, including a binding arbitration clause and a class action exemption clause, both of which will affect your rights in dispute resolution. This tool is only applicable to you, and you should only access G TOKEN if you fully agree to these terms.

Household qualification requirements

This website expressly prohibits users in Chinese Mainland from using it. Users in Chinese Mainland should not easily access or use any service of this tool. Once you use this service, you will be deemed to have automatically agreed to all the contents of this disclaimer.

In addition, you are required to declare that you have at least reached the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction (for example, 18 years in the United States) and have full authority, ability, and authorization to enter and comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement on your behalf and any company or legal entity that you may access or use the interface with.

You further declare that you are not (a) subject to economic or trade sanctions imposed or enforced by any government authority, or designated on any prohibited or restricted party list (including but not limited to lists maintained by the Office of the United States Treasury); Or (b) is a jurisdiction or territory where residents, citizens, or organizations implement comprehensive national, regional, or regional economic sanctions in the United States. Finally, you declare that your access and use of the interface will fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and you will not access or use the interface to carry out, promote or otherwise facilitate any illegal activities.

Finally, I would like to emphasize once again that this website department allows any users in Chinese Mainland to use it, and this website will not bear any consequences or responsibilities arising therefrom.

Amendment of Agreement

We reserve the right to modify this agreement at any time at our discretion. If we make any modifications, we will notify you by updating the date at the top of the agreement and maintaining the current version in G TOKEN's terms of service. All modifications will take effect at the time of publication, and your continued access or use of the interface will be deemed as confirmation of your acceptance of these modifications. If you do not agree to any modifications to this agreement, you must immediately stop accessing and using the interface.

All rights reserved

We own all intellectual property and other rights of G TOKEN and its content, including (but not limited to) software, text, images, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, patents, and designs. These intellectual property rights can be used in accordance with the terms of our copyright license and trademark guidelines.

Other rights

We reserve the following rights, which do not constitute our obligation: (a) to modify, replace, delete or add interfaces with or without notifying you; (b) Review, modify, filter, disable, delete, and delete any and all content and information in the Interface; And (c) cooperate with any law enforcement, court or government investigation, order or third party to require or instruct us to disclose the information or content you provide.


When you use G TOKEN, we only collect information such as your blockchain wallet address, completed transaction hashes, token names, symbols, etc. We do not collect any personal information about you (such as your name or other identifiers that can be associated with you). However, we use third-party service providers who may receive or independently obtain your personal information from publicly available sources. We cannot control the way these third parties process your data, and you should refer to their privacy policy to understand how they collect, use, and share your personal information. By accessing and using G TOKEN, you understand and agree to our data processing methods and the way our service provider processes your information.

The information we collect is used to detect, prevent, and mitigate financial crimes and other illegal or harmful activities on G TOKEN. For this, we may share the information we collect with blockchain analysis providers. We only share information with these service providers so that they can help us promote the security, security, and integrity of G TOKEN.

Please note that when you use G TOKEN, you are interacting with Ethereum or other public blockchains, and the nature of this interaction may make your transaction information transparent. G TOKEN is unable to control and is not responsible for any information you disclose on the blockchain during your operation.

Prohibited activities

You agree not to participate or attempt to participate in any prohibited activities of the following categories while using G TOKEN:

  • Intellectual property infringement: Infringement or violation of any copyright, trademark, service mark, patent, public image right, privacy right or other proprietary intellectual property activities under the law.

  • Network attacks: Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the integrity, security, or normal operation of any computer, server, network, personal device, or other information technology system, including (but not limited to) deploying viruses and DOS attacks.

  • Fraud and Misrepresentation: Attempting to defraud us or any other individual or entity, including (but not limited to) providing any false, inaccurate, or misleading information to illegally obtain the property of others.

  • Market manipulation: Any behavior that violates any applicable laws, rules, or regulations regarding the integrity of the trading market, including but not limited to manipulation techniques such as "selling up", "speculation dumping", and "wash trading".

  • Violation of securities and derivatives regulations: Violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations related to securities or derivatives transactions, including (but not limited to) unregistered securities issuance and the issuance of leverage or other financial derivatives to retail customers in the United States, Chinese Mainland and other countries or regions.

  • Any other illegal act: violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations of the United States, Chinese Mainland or other relevant jurisdictions, including (but not limited to) restrictions and regulatory requirements stipulated by the laws of the United States or Chinese Mainland.

Non commissioned transactions

You agree and understand that: (a) all transactions submitted by you through G TOKEN are considered non commissioned transactions, which means they are only initiated by you; (b) You have not received any investment advice from us in any transaction.

Non custodial and non custodial responsibilities

This tool is a completely unmanaged application, which means you are fully responsible for keeping the encrypted private key of the digital asset wallet you hold. This agreement is not intended to create or impose any fiduciary responsibilities. To the maximum extent permitted by law, you acknowledge and agree that we shall not assume any fiduciary responsibility towards you or any other party, and any such responsibility that may exist under law or principles of fairness shall be irrevocably waived, waived, and eliminated. You further agree that we are only responsible for the obligations and responsibilities clearly defined in this agreement.

Compliance and tax obligations

G TOKEN may not be used or applicable in your jurisdiction. By accessing or using G TOKEN, you agree that you are solely responsible for complying with all laws and regulations that may apply to you. Specifically, your use of this tool may result in various tax consequences, such as income tax or capital gains tax, value-added tax, goods and services tax, or sales tax in your jurisdiction. You are responsible for determining whether the taxes applicable to any transaction you initiate or receive, and if applicable, report and/or pay the correct taxes to the appropriate tax authorities.

Risk taking

By accessing and using G TOKEN, it appears that one is sufficiently mature in finance and technology, able to understand the inherent risks of using encryption and blockchain based systems, and has a certain understanding of the details and complexity of Ethereum (ETH), so-called stablecoins, and other digital tokens that follow the Ethereum standard (ERC-20).

Especially, you have learned that the market for these digital assets is still in its infancy and very unstable due to risk factors including (but not limited to) adoption, speculation, technology, security, and regulation. You understand that anyone can create tokens, including fake versions of existing tokens and tokens that falsely claim to represent projects, and acknowledge and accept the risk that you may trade these or other tokens incorrectly. The so-called stablecoins may not be as stable as they claim, may not have full or sufficient guarantees, and may be affected by panic and runs.

In addition, you have learned that smart contract transactions are automatically executed and settled, while blockchain based transactions are irreversible after confirmation. You acknowledge and accept that the cost and speed of conducting transactions using blockchain based encryption systems such as Ethereum are variable and may increase significantly at any time. You further acknowledge and accept the risk of choosing the trading expert model, which may expose you to potential significant price slippage and higher costs.

In summary, you acknowledge that we are not responsible for these variables or risks, do not own or control this product, and are not responsible for any losses you may suffer while accessing or using this tool. Therefore, you understand and agree to assume all risks arising from using the G TOKEN tool. Provided by ("us", "ours" or "ours") The user interface ("tool" or "application") for website hosting. This interface provides access to decentralized protocols on various public blockchains (including but not limited to Ethereum), allowing users to create certain compatible digital assets. To use this tool, you must use an unmanaged wallet software that allows you to interact with public blockchains. Your relationship with that non hosted wallet provider is subject to the applicable service terms of a third party, rather than this service terms agreement ("Agreement").

This agreement explains the terms and conditions under which you may access and use the tool. You must carefully read this agreement. By accessing or using this tool, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to fully comply with all terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to access or use the interface and should not use it.

Attention: Please read this agreement carefully as it governs your use of the tool. This agreement contains important information, including a binding arbitration clause and a class action exemption clause, both of which will affect your rights in dispute resolution. This tool is only applicable to you, and you should only access G TOKEN if you fully agree to these terms.
