Create runes

Create runes video tutorial

1. Introduce

Runes is the latest protocol. Based on the casting of inscriptions, we have implemented a protocol that allows real-time token acquisition by transferring funds to the contract address, simplifying user operations.

2. Operation steps

Tip: Please install the MetaMask plugin first. Tutorial:

(1) Connect wallet

Enter the creation page:,Click on the upper right corner, connect to MetaMask Wallet, and switch to the main network (using BSC test network as an example)

After completion, you will see the "Chain Name" and your "Wallet Address", as shown in the following figure:

(2) Input information

Assuming we create a runes, fill in the following:

  • Token Address:0x9cB153F97fBC6f9B34D6727E9a3F7efc7dF4120B

  • Single unit price:0.01

  • Single quantity:1

  • Receiving address:0x79ed12F5BCb78d05d38E4765C10CF87e2a673D42

After completing the input, click the "Create" button

(3) Complete

Click "Confirm Creation" and pay the gas fee in MetaMask Wallet to complete the process
